An-Nazi’at, Pharaoh and A Call

Terkadang semakin banyak kita mencoba mencari ilmu: membaca, diskusi, menonton video, mendengarkan ceramah; semakin terlihat segala sesuatu memiliki benang merahnya. Titik temu dari benang merah tersebut adalah Al-Qur’an. Semoga kita semua bisa diberikan kesempatan untuk terus mempelajari Al-Qur’an. Aamiin

Anyway, saya sekarang sedang mencoba ngikutin serial tafseer dari ustad Nouman Ali Khan. Inception nya pas Ramadhan kemarin, sangat terinspirasi dari tafsir surah Al-Qadr yang dijelaskan oleh beliau (I shed tears even, due to the incredible meaning). Then wanna try to start listening to the others Surah as well. Recommended buat subscribe ($11 monthly or $112 yearly), in syaa Allah worth it. Di dalemnya ada banyak penjelasan tentang Al Quran, dan yang paling baru ada tafseer series beberapa surah Juz Amma. Ada juga Arabic with Husna, video series ustad NAK ngajarin anaknya (Husna) bahasa Arab. Simple & in syaa Allah mudah dipahami, karena beliau memang ngajarinnya buat anak SD hehe :)


The reason to post this, sebenernya karena baru terinspirasi lagi dari tafseer Surah An Nazi’at. Terutama mulai ayat 15:

هَلْ أتَاكَ حَدِيثُ مُوسَى

Have you received the news of Musa (15)

To be honest this surah is started with beginning complicated verses. But ustad Nouman simply explained it. Masih berhubungan dengan surah sebelumnya An Naba, disini juga diceritakan tentang judgement day. Terus mulai ayat 15, Allah flashback, menceritakan tentang kisah Pharaoh (Fira’un) dan Musa. Saya mencoba menjelaskan beberapa bagian, karena kalo keseluruhan ga bakal cukup 1 post hehe. Mending subscribe dan nonton sendiri aja. Atau kalo mau trial bisa pakai user & password saya dulu juga boleh (komen di bawah).

Nah jadi di penjelasan ayat ke 17 nya

اذْهَبْ إِلَى فِرْعَوْنَ إِنَّهُ طَغَى

Go to Pharaoh for he has indeed transgressed all bounds (17)

Disini ustad Nouman menghubungkan kisah Musa as dengan kehidupan Rosulullah SAW dengan kaum Quraisy. Short sentence nya:

Some rulers can’t accept religion due to Economic & Political reason. Money and Power.

Contohnya di ayat ini, Musa was asked to come to Pharaoh who had rebelled or transgressed. Pharaoh rebelled bukan karena arogant atau mengaku-ngaku dirinya Tuhan, powerful man, etc. Even in fact (I just knew it too anyway), Pharaoh was a weak old man who couldn’t barely stand with a stick. But you know, instead, Pharaoh called himself a God because its all about economic and political reason. Money and Power. Those could affect religion. For common people it’s about religion. But for people who controlled them, it’s money and power. And it’s always be there even until now. Perppu no 2 tahun 2017, mungkin juga salah satunya diterbitkan karena economic & political reason instead of religion.


And when we become rulers, these two cancers (money and power) could destroy ourselves, even affect our faith. It’s hard to say because we haven’t experience it by ourselves but it’s happened.

Therefore Quran and its careful studies keeps us from falling into those cancers (money and power), or recognize those cancers when we have it.

Saya juga sekarang sedang membaca buku “Why Nations Fail” yang menerangkan salah satu yang membedakan bangsa kaya dan miskin adalah economic and political institutions.

“…while economic institutions are critical for determining whether a country is poor or prosperous. it is politics and political institutions that determine what economic institutions a country has.”

Atau ketika zaman Rosul SAW, yaitu dengan kaum Quraisy, they have idols in each tribes. Dan ketika Rosul SAW menyampaikan konsep One God, yaitu Allah SWT. They rejected not because they thought it didn’t make sense, instead it was because not good for business. The simple explanation is because the idols were the mark of wealthy, and people would respect the tribes (politics), and it could affect their business (economics). For more details, it’s better you watch it by yourself.

BUT, yang keren nya dari Islam, ONLY Allah the one who can judge. The only who has the right to judge is Allah. Kita sebagai slave… btw FYI, ustad Nouman biasanya menggunakan istilah slave (kita) dan master (Allah), karena basically kita di dunia ini sebenarnya slave to something, slave to money, slave to throne, slave to desire, etc. You choose your own master, and indeed Allah is the one and only the best master.


Dan back to topic, kita sebagai slave hanya bertugas untuk menyampaikan, deliver and let Allah do the rest. Seperti di ayat selanjutnya 18

فَقُلْ هَلْ لَكَ إِلَى أَنْ تَزَكَّى

“And say to him Have you any liking to purify yourself? (18)”

Even kepada Pharaoh who have rebelled and commited many crimes to people. Allah still asked Musa to say “Hallaka ilaa antazakka”. Hallaka here means a polite way of doing something like in english “would you please consider”. Dan disini juga ada kata “Ilaa”. Jadi bukan langsung “Hallaka antazakka” yang lebih artinya kayak langsung nyuruh, contohnya sejenis “you should become a good person”.

Karena dengan adanya “illa” means Musa was not asking Pharaoh “directly” transform. Sejenis: “could you change your course, just turn this way and pay attention”

Tapi justru dengan adanya “Hallaka” dan “Illa” jadi artinya benar-benar lembut dan sopan, kira-kira english lengkapnya

“would you PLEASE to consider, the POSSIBILITY, of heading towards the direction, that MIGHT eventually make you a better person”

Subhanallah. Keren ya :’)

Padahal sebenernya Allah knew whats happened with Pharaoh, he will reject it (in the next verses). Musa wondering, why Allah still wanted him to come to Pharaoh. Disini justru pelajaran utamanya:

“Our job is not gonna decide what’s gonna happen with the people. Our job is to do what Allah told us. Our job is to deliver. And deliver with love. With sincere care. Allah wants to give him (pharaoh) a choice through the messenger. Like us to them. But when they disobey, making fun of you, they won’t know who they are messing with. It’s the warning from Allah.”

Another lesson from this surah, in verse 17 “Go to Pharaoh for he has indeed transgressed all bounds”. Ustad Nouman explained, Allah asked Musa to go to Pharaoh. Come to him. It’s also lesson for us. People like Pharaoh, Quraisy, won’t come to Masjid. You should come to them. Kalo kata Ustad Nouman di video (karena di US):

“…you gotta go to DC. You gotta go to the Wallstreet. You’ve gotta go to them. Messengers had to go to bad environments. They had to. Some of you work in bad environment. Some of you have business in bad environment. Some of you go to universities who have bad environment.”


You’ve supposed to be there. If you’re not gonna bring light then who will. Allah bring this ummah as carrier of light. Don’t try to expect “I wanna stay in islamic environment, I wanna stay away from fitnah”. Well what’s the point of you being ummah, if you don’t want to be around fitnah. You are chose to be this ummah because you are the only hope of humanity to bring out of from fitnah.”

Kira-kira seperti itu. Itu kutipan langsung dari speech nya Ustad Nouman. Karena bener sih, we can’t run from this society. We are fated to be there. This is our call. Jadi seharusnya sangat dibutuhkanlah muslim yang taat untuk masuk di sektor politik, pemerintahan, ekonomi, swasta, non-profit dan semua sektor yang menjadi pusat pertumbuhan peradaban.

Allahualam. Hanya mencoba menyampaikan, dan ternyata tulisan di atas itu saya baru menjelaskan ayat 17 dan 18. Dan itu pun sudah disingkat-singkat. Masya Allah. Al Qur’an ini benar-benar mukjizat terbesar dan pedoman manusia hingga hari akhir. Sekali lagi saya berdoa, semoga kita semua bisa terus istiqomah untuk diberikan hidayah untuk mempelajarinya. Aamiin.[]