Started Conversation

Has God ever started a conversation to talk to you directly?

Well, starting a conversation with God is common thing to do, and a quiet simple way to do it. You can do it through your prayer anytime you want; after shalat fardhu, in the middle of the night after tahajud, or in a time you extremely want something so bad that you pray; it means you have started the conversation with God. You ask for it through your Prayer, starting the conversation, then He will respond it sooner or later. The respond somehow will be happened because it is His promise. It could be answered directly as if you get what you want; or you don’t instantly get it but instead will be replaced by something better; or maybe you will feel relieve becoming more calm after the prayer. Or even if you feel as though there is no answer at all then believe, it will be someday, not in this world but in hereafter. Because once more, it is His promise.

BUT has God ever started a conversation to talk to you directly? He does initiates first. Have you?

In a few certain times, I think we must ever feel that Allah starting a conversation with us directly. And most of the times, the conversations are about the reminders for us over something that we were not supposed to do in the past. How? By disrupting our life.

You know, when we made mistakes, committed sins, did bad deeds, or did something that He hated that instead of being regret, we just felt nothing, as if it was something normal. Because by nature, bad things occasionally have self-indulging feeling. It’s sometimes exciting and we forget that it’s wrong. Then that will be the time that Allah will commonly start the conversation with us. How? As if I wrote before, by disrupting our life.

Usually something bad will happen to us: a bad luck; a problem coming out of nowhere; a rejection; the result of the event that is not supposed to be as according to as what we’ve planned; or even a random event that breaks our heart into pieces, hurting us and making our feeling so desperate to continue our life.

But you know, you must thank God for those things. It is truly a rare event that not everybody will get it. Allah directly starting a conversation with us is so rare to be happened that it is only for the chosen ones, the believers. He did it in order to remind us to get self-reflection over something that we’ve done. Sometimes tears are shed because Allah wants us to go back to Him; to make us to go back to His straight road, His Jannah. He did it because He loves us. It is the proof of His true love to the ones He had chosen.

Because guys, believe me, torments in hereafter are extremely hurt, billions times as much as in this world. BILLIONS times of it. Having just even one torment will perish every single happiness you get in this world. And moreover, it is eternal.

So has God ever started a conversation to talk to you directly? Do you want it, don’t you?

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